If you’re thinking about launching a new career as a real estate agent, you’ll need to invest the time completing a real estate course and passing the exam for your state. Even though requirements vary from state to state, the steps and process is largely the same.
Before getting started it’s important to understand what you’re getting into, because selling real estate can be tricky and it’s not for everyone.

Is Real Estate Right For You?
Getting started in real estate can be very exciting, but you should also be honest with yourself. Are you good at managing your own time? Do you like working with people? Is attention to detail one of your strong suits? These are skills that many successful real estate agents have.
You’re going to be your own boss, so every day you’ll be working for yourself. Real estate salespeople do a lot more than just show houses or take clients to lunch. Some of the tasks you’ll have to learn to juggle:
- Managing your own office
- Contracts and paperwork
- Marketing and growing leads
- Developing relationships
- Working with buyers and sellers
Successfully working in real estate long-term takes commitment, it shouldn’t be treated as a hobby. Reach out to local agents or brokers. Ask them what their daily work is like. What mistakes they made that you can avoid. This will help you make sure selling real estate is right for you.
Real Estate License Benefits
It’s important to understand the advantages before investing your time and money getting a real estate license. Your license will give you access to information and networks that is restricted from the general public.
- Networking with licensed real estate professionals.
- Access the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
- Controlling real estate deals.
- Additional educational opportunities, learning negotiation skills, how to advertise, and other skills.
- Earning commissions worth thousands.
How To Get A Real Estate License in 5 Steps
There are many reasons why real estate is an attractive career. Agents can earn low six-figures relatively quickly, the best can make several times that. There’s no boss, you make your own schedule, you’re the one in control.
Regardless of what motivates to get into real estate, the first question everyone asks themself is: “How do I get started?”
Every state requires a license, but every state also has their own requirements, so it depends entirely on where you want to practice real estate. While each state may have variations in their licensing regulations, the following 5 basic steps remain consistent.
1. What is your state’s real estate license requirements?
Every state has a standard checklist that every applicant must meet before getting their real estate license. Some are very basic, such as minimum age to apply, or passing a background check. These are some of the most common boxes you’ll need to check before you become a licensed agent.
- 18 years or older. Few states have a requirement of 19.
- Be a US citizen or legal alien.
- Background check – no felonies or criminal record.
- Complete a state-certified real estate license course.
- Pass the real estate license exam.
- Work with a licensed broker before starting on your own.
2. Complete a certified real estate license course
There are several options available for you to complete the real estate license course hours required by your state. Most people have used one of the following:
- Online based schools
- Local real estate schools
- Realty firms
- Universities
- Technical schools
- Live classroom locations
While the Internet is no longer new, many of the quality interactive online real courses are. Unfortunately most of the traditional brick and mortar real estate schools have done a poor job taking advantage of the rich media and powerful interactive tools. Many are at best, an online black and white textbook with multiple choice quizzes, at worst they don’t work on mobile phones or tablets.
Newer options like AceableAgent and Real Estate Express have created websites and mobile apps that deliver a rich experience that a digital learning environment can offer. Unfortunately these online real estate license schools are not available in every state yet. Use the drop down menu below to see what’s available in your state:
Choosing the right real estate license course is a critical step in your journey. Be sure that the real estate school you enroll in has a solid reputation, provides high quality content, and has live instructors available with high pass rates for the state exams. Your education in real estate licensing will be challenging, but it is the stepping stone to becoming a successful real estate professional.
View our top choice for real estate school.
3. Apply for the real estate exam for salespersons
Once you finished your pre-licensing course hours for your state, you’re ready to schedule your exam. Timing is very important right now. You’ll want to make sure your exam date is shortly after completing the real estate license classes while the material is fresh on your mind.
First check with the organization or association that is the governing body of real estate in your state. Many states require a background check and even submit finger prints. Each state is different and most have an application fee. The process can be lengthy, in some cases even several weeks so don’t put the application off until the last minute.
4. Pass the real estate exam
Simply completing the real estate course hours is not enough to pass the real estate exam, you’ll need to prepare. It’s common for people to not pass the exam until their 2nd or 3rd try, sometimes more. Being prepared means studying. There are real estate license exam prep classes that you can take that focus on helping you pass.
Real Estate Express has an exam prep class that offers study guides, practice questions and answers, and exam prep tests. It is designed to fully prepare you for your exam date so there’s no surprises. If you don’t pass, you don’t pay.
You’ve followed all the steps and properly studied and prepared. Now you can arrive on your exam day feeling confident in the knowledge you’ve gained, so you can leave with a passing grade!
5. Find a licensed real estate broker
You’ve taken the classes, you’ve passed the exam, now there’s just one more step before you can act as an independent real estate agent.
States require new real estate salespeople to work on the behalf of broker. Think of it similar to an apprenticeship. The broker will also you complete the final paperwork with the state. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn tips and pick up habits that will contribute to your success.
Choosing the right broker is a critical final step in the process that can make or break your real estate career. There are several things you’ll want to look for in a real estate broker.
- Are they located in the market you want to work in?
- Does the company have a good reputation?
- What is the quality and quantity of advertisements in papers and online?
- Do they promote their listings and agents effectively?
- Do they have a training system for new agents?
- Are they members of the Multiple Listings Service (MLS)?
- What is the split for commissions and the benefits package like?
Real Estate License Online Requirements By State
The 5 steps listed above are a general outline of what most states require. For the exact details for courses, hours, passing exams, and more for each state please follow the links below for more information.