Few jobs will never “go out of style.” One of those is real estate. The reason being – as long as private property exists, folks will buy and sell it. Some stick around for a lifetime, while others move every few years. Then there are those that prefer to flip properties and developers who build new homes. There are a number of properties that hit the market every year, and real estate agents are key components in moving them between hands.
Ready for the Answer Now? Our Top Pick for Online Real Estate School in Minnesota |
Real estate in Minnesota is heating up. The state’s major metropolitan areas have a unique charm, and the Minnesota countryside is green, oozing with charm and a fantastic place to raise a family. Agents enter the market with big expectations, and it is not uncommon to see them earning six figures in a short period of time.
A real estate future starts with a license, and getting that license at an online real estate school is a great path to take.
4 Guidelines to Study for School Online
Before enrolling in a school, there are some things to consider in terms of attending classes online as compared to in-class learning. There are plenty of advantages to attending classes online, but there are also some tips that will lead to greater success.
1. Break Down Tasks – Online schooling is full of potential distractions. It’s natural, you’re more than likely at home, learning at your pace and according to your schedule. The potential problem with this is you might become a bit too relaxed. The antidote is breaking down your tasks. Each task has an estimated time to complete it and arrives with a deadline. Once a task is presented, break it down into hours per day and work on them accordingly. This will keep you organized and not rushing to complete things at the last second.
2. Beat Deadlines – This one is fundamental. You should strive to beat deadlines when it comes to online learning, and this is also a great technique to apply to life. Ever heard the phrase, “deadlines are meant to be broken?” Guess what, they’re not! Your teachers won’t appreciate broken deadlines, so get in the habit of beating them and getting your work done a day before its due.
3. Have Dedicated Study Blocks – In line with breaking down tasks is coordinating blocks per day where you do nothing but study class material. There are few people that can attend classes and then take an exam or write a paper with the knowledge gained in just the online class. Studying in between classes reinforces the material and also further cements concepts. The positives are plentiful, so be sure to follow this tip.
4. Take Breaks – Now, when we say take breaks, we’re not talking about long weekends at the beach. We’re referring to coordinated breaks during the day that will put your brain at rest and leave you rejuvenated to continue progressing and advancing once you return. Breaks are designed to optimize long-term performance. You’re not weak for taking them, but don’t overdo it.
Assessing Minnesota Real Estate Schools Online Reviews
A review doesn’t mean much on its own. Yet, if that review comes from a friend or close family member, it means a whole lot more. When you’re perusing online reviews, odds are you won’t know the people behind them. This is why it’s essential to collect a lot of reviews and then arrive at an informed decision.
Minnesota Real Estate Schools Online Reviews

4.54/5 Average Rating of Minnesota Schools
7463 Total Reviews
Once online reviews began to take hold, people threw their full weight behind them. Rating products or services with stars and numbers or grades were all the rage, and the provider of said service or product did everything in their power to cultivate a good review. Little by little, however, online reviews became corrupted. Like anything, they were manipulated for malicious purposes, which then placed reviews into question. It was easy to review something as good and get multiple people to do the same if you had a stake in the product or service and wanted others to purchase it.
The same also held true for the opposite end. If someone wanted to damage the reputation of a product or service, one could string together a host of folks and conspire to leave negative reviews. Because this is now the case, the best way to receive an accurate snapshot of anything is to look at reviews from multiple sites. Next, if a product or service has an abnormal amount of extremely great or extremely negative reviews, these are warning signs. Nobody is all good or all bad. Most of us (products and services included) fall somewhere in the middle. An excessive amount of reviews at either end of the spectrum is suspicious and should be treated as such.
How to Use Different Sources for Minnesota Online Real Estate School Reviews
As previously mentioned, the best way to absorb and consider online reviews is by collecting them over many sites. There are a multitude of legitimate sites that provide online real estate school reviews. These sites generally have folks that review the commentary and eliminate the frauds. Some still make it through, however, so keep a keen eye out.
Top 3 Minnesota Online Real Estate Schools
Minnesota is overflowing with fantastic online real estate schooling options. The sector has taken hold, and more and more folks are now opting for an online real estate education. The process of choosing a school is not easy. This isn’t because you don’t have enough information to go on. Instead, the number of excellent schools grows by the year. While there are some exceptional institutions, the three we are mentioning here currently occupy the top of the list.
1. Colibri Real Estate

4.4/5 Rating (768 Reviews)
Online schools are successful for many reasons. First and foremost is their flexibility. Second, online school costs are lower principally because there are not large brick-and-mortar facilities to care for. Yet, the one knock online schools continuously receive is a lack of personalized attention.
Colibri Real Estate took this last point seriously, and online reviews praise the school’s ability to connect students to teachers in the most personalized, “non-in-person” manner possible. Students get connected via email and phone to teachers, and this is something that sets Colibri Real Estate apart from its competitors.
Some negative comments mentioned that the student forums where students get together to discuss what they’ve been learning and any impending issues were not well attended. This was a comment across many sites, so while Colibri Real Estate does a good job connecting teachers to students, connecting students to students appears to need improving.
2. The CE Shop

4.57/5 Rating (6564 Reviews)
In the online real estate school arena, certain schools are known for certain things. The CE Shop is known as the most affordable school, and online reviewers point to the excellent preparation the CE Shop provides out-going graduates. Apparently, not every school is well-regarded for graduating students who can succeed immediately in the marketplace. The CE Shop appears to have that down, according to reviews.
A negative found on multiple sites surrounding the CE Shop was difficulty in withdrawing from the program. People withdraw from anything for a variety of reasons. A lot of times, it has nothing to do with the program, but rather life’s unexpected twists and turns get in the way. The CE Shop does not score well in allowing people to withdraw quickly, and it is likely something they are trying to improve.
3. Kaplan

4.01/5 Rating (131 Reviews)
Kaplan’s most glowing comments are their professionalism and the serious nature of their courses. Comments point to a program taught by top-notch teachers, leaders in their respective fields with a love for instruction, and passing along best-practices.
The negatives on Kaplan is their limited course selection. Folks pointed to finding less variety at Kaplan than anywhere else. This is understandable to some extent as Kaplan only prefers to provide what they consider the absolute necessities for an online real estate education. Yet, many found it too limited, and even left Kaplan for other schools as a result.
One reviewer commented that meticulously reviewing the Kaplan course catalog is a good first step before enrolling. That way no disappointing surprises await.
Next Steps After You Completed Minnesota Online Real Estate School
Just because you’ve finished your online education doesn’t mean you’re automatically a killer real estate agent earning six figures out of the gate. The very first thing you need to do is apply for your license. You’d be amazed how many people forget this step and have to embarrassingly back-track as a result.
Second, your Minnesota mentor broker is fundamental in this process. This person or firm is preparing you to take full advantage of the available resources for new agents. Their marketing materials, fresh leads, and practical advice will set you on a course for success. Be sure to be ever-present and listen attentively. Your eventual success depends a lot on what you learn in those early years.